Hacking Your Blind Spots™ | Part 1
The life and death of your project depend on your peripheral vision. Horses have no choice, but why do humans wear blinders?
Hacking Your Blind Spots™ | Part 2
The answer is usually hidden in plain sight.
Sometimes he’d sit in the front row. Other times, he’d blend in with hundreds or thousands of spectators. Sometimes he was a she. I would never know in advance.
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A lack of balance can be a superpower.
Nine years ago I banished the word “balance” from my vocabulary.
I wish to be the Master of New Mistakes.
Glassblowers only get burnt once. How about the rest of us?
Move over boys, it’s the dawn of a new day
Ideas are a dime a dozen, but the life and death of a startup depends on its founder.
Loneliness Kills. Literally.
Solitary confinement is the ultimate punishment. More than hanging around with a bunch of murderers and rapists. Think about it.
Hacking Your Blind Spots™ | Part 3
What you can’t see may have a big impact on the little people in your life.
Where there’s a womb, there’s a way.
I have this tendency to make provocative choices. Really, I don’t mean to inflame. My TEDMED was called “Innovate Where it Hurts” because that’s what I’m passionate about. The stronger the pain, the more my belly is on fire.
I suspected he was gay. He wasn’t allowed to say.
My friend said, “Men don’t wear such jewelry! He is gay!”